Perfect Pizza With 16” Pre-Sheeted Dough

We made this Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza in our commercial kitchen with our pre-sheeted dough.

If you want to bake perfect pizzas that children will absolutely love without the hassle of kneading and stretching, our 16" pre-sheeted dough is the solution you've been looking for.

  • 60+ School Food Service Customers: The Good Crust currently sells dough to more than 60 school food service programs in Maine.

  • 1oz. Equals 1 Whole Grain Serving: Since our 16” pre-sheeted dough is made from 18oz of whole grain dough, it means your kids get more than the required 2oz. whole-grain requirement in every slice.

  • Setup a Taste-Testing Demo: If you’d like to bring The Good Crust to your cafeteria, please just send us a message.

Prep and Baking Instructions for Our Pre-Sheeted Dough

Baking on a Pizza Screen

Baking on a Sheet Pan

Baking on Parchment Paper

While we recommend baking our 16” pre-sheeted dough on a pizza screen (for maximizing crispy crust), it’s perfectly acceptable to bake on a sprayed sheet pan or a sprayed piece of parchment paper on a sheet pan.

  1. Pre-heat your convection oven to 425° (with fans on high) *

  2. Spray your pizza screen, sheet pan, or parchment paper with non-stick spray

  3. Place your 16” pre-sheeted dough atop your pizza screen or sheet pan

  4. Thaw for 1-2 hours at room temperature *

  5. Top with 4oz. sauce and 12oz. cheese (and whatever else you’d like to add)

  6. Bake for 12 minutes (or until the crust is crispy) **

    ** As you know, school food service convection ovens all have a “mind of their own”. So, your ideal cook time might be longer or shorter (and your ideal baking temperature might be higher or lower than 425°).

Shaping, Topping, and Consistency with Pre-Sheeted Dough

With The Good Crust's 16" pre-sheeted dough, you can forget the painstaking process of shaping the dough (saving your team lots of effort and time).

  • Handtossed Quality: Unlike boxed pizza equivalents made from automated machines, The Good Crust pre-sheets are made using a tool that approximates a hand-tossed crust, thus preserving the crust's "handle" and saving your staff the frustration of thin spots or holes. Each pre-sheeted dough round is made from 18oz. of dough, ensuring there’s plenty of dough to handle your toppings.

  • Consistency with Toppings: Designate a "cheese scooper" with a 12 oz. "fill line" and use a flat ladle for 4 oz. of sauce to ensure pizza consistency.

  • Crispy Bottom: Want that crispy crust? Bake on a pizza screen for ideal results. Webstaurant sells affordable 16” pizza screens in cases of 25 units (which is what we use for demos and in our commercial kitchen).

Simple Tips to Fix Common Pizza-Making Problems in School Kitchens

How Can You Prevent Bubbles in Your Pizza?

Bubbling happens when cold dough hits a hot oven, and the easiest way to reduce pizza bubbling is to dock your pizza before adding the sauce.

Don't have a docker? Simply use a fork.

Get Our Pre-Sheeted Dough Discounted for Your School Food Service Program

All products from The Good Crust are eligible for Maine’s Local Foods Fund program reimbursement.

  • Local Foods Fund: 33% reimbursement

To learn more about the Farm and Sea to School reimbursement programs, please contact Maine’s Department of Education. If you need additional help, please feel free to send us a message.


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Whole Grain Fougasse